Nowadays most of people in Chile are lacking of communication and commitment with others. This situation can be easily found inside hospitals, companies, neighborhoods or everywhere a group of people interact. This situation is produced due to the individualism and independence that has been created in society trough time. Moreover we are worried about our own needs, likes, dislikes, what is convenient for us, not even thinking about our workmate or partner needs. The principal factor of this problem is mainly because the poor social integration taught by our family and teachers in the almost first twenty years of our lives.
Teachers play an important role in giving students the right tools not only to become in good professionals but also in socializing and making social world better. This situation can be accomplished by designing lessons which principal objectives should be integration, sympathy, collaborative work, respect, kindness etc. According to the article of Malcolm Gladwell the Designs for Working, having workers relationships integrated and not separated or cut off is the best way to create social networks and establish a nice environment inside an office. Employees moving around, putting their sits in a certain way, organizing social events are situations we can also apply inside a classroom. Thus, every opportunity our students could have to work together would improve their capacity of socialize and enrich their points of view, opinions and they would also learn from others experiences.
Finally, if we want to create a real impact and change among our students it’s necessary to mix them up. For example, if we group 6 students with equal interests, needs, personalities they are not going to have the opportunity to take advantage of their differences, because they are going to be the same, but if we group different children it would be a different story. As Jane Jacobs says in her article “The death and life of great American cities” “When two or more such hostile islands are juxtaposed the result is called “a balanced neighborhood” (5-7)